April 2019

Road Trip to Sequoia National Park, Part I

Three Rivers House

My Husband, Kyle and I took a road trip from the California coast to the Forest! This was quite an amazing trip.

We decided to break up the trip with overnight stay in Three Rivers just outside the forest. We arrived to this quaint house out in the woods to quail running wild and beautiful views of the mountains or Sequoia National Park.

Now, this is a very small town so almost everything closes early evening. We rushed to the small grocery store to get food supplies because the restaurant was closed when we arrived . We had a delicious dinner grilled in the great outdoors while listening to nature sounds.

View from Three Rivers House

Sunrise over Mountain

Waking up early to witness the sunrise over the mountains while watching the wild quail, turkeys and birds. Amazing! Beautiful! Stayed tuned for more on our trip to Sequoia National Park

Sunrise over Mountains

Nectar Time

Monarchs have such character and beauty. As I watch, I wonder about their ability to hang from the tiniest purple flower and sip nectar with their proboscis (or tongue) which extends into the flower and pulls out this delectable yellow sticky nectar.

I have become so filled with questions about these insects that I’ve decided to take a Butterfly Class. I will begin to share some information I have learned here on my blog. I’m not an expert yet but my passion is coming out!

I made a special trip to buy nectar plants to plant in my butterfly garden. As soon as I brought these long stemmed red pentas to my butterfly garden, the monarchs came, instantly landed and began sipping nectar.

Makes me wonder about their sensory abilities, I learned that their tarsi (or feet) give butterflies the ability to taste 200 times stronger sensation than humans.

And their tarsi have chemical receptors that allow the butterfly to feel the plant, leaf, or flower they land on before feeding or laying eggs!

Monarch Caterpillars Eating

Hiking with Butterflies

As we went hiking among the Giant Sequoia Trees we were led deeper and deeper into the forest …… we were hiking with butterflies too! Yes, butterflies were with us especially in the sunny meadows within the forest.

Butterflies bring such joy and mystery to life. I mean why do they keep fluttering by us as we hike through the forest of Giant Sequoia trees……I do know this, they brought inspiration to keep hiking and enjoying our time in nature which is a mystery in itself.