
Hey, So glad you stopped by for a visit, I hope you enjoy my personal blog posts and give you encouragement to live, love and laugh after your kids are grown up and moved out of the house…. It can be a lonely place at times if you’re like me but we’ll get to that later just keep reading this about page.

My desire to start a personal blog started a couple years ago to connect with other people at the similar place I find myself in now. I’ve been searching for a blog about someone in my place of life to add encouragement and support. I’ve finally gotten to this place to take the blog in to action.  Ok let’s get to it….

Soooo this is my personal blog named “Beyond Imom” because I believe once a Mom always a Mom but there’s a full life beyond being a Mom. This is my quest to find that and I hope you’ll stick around and enjoy my posts and add comments on your experiences too. I’ve been using the term “imom” for years ever since I bought my first iphone just for fun because my life has been about being a Mom. So the name has stuck on me…

Now you know how I created my blog name…here’s my bio…

I’m Becky not just imom, over 50, homemaker or homemanager as I see it, an RN, designer and creator of StitchingUpMemories since 2013, walker, yogi, quilter, sewer, knitter, butterfly gardener, traveler, and the list goes on! Those are some of my favorites.

I’m a Mom of 3 wonderful children, all of whom are young adults, attending college or beyond.

I’m a wife of a wonderful husband over 27 years. We have grown together and found wholeness with eachother with a love for health, fitness, travel, and more to come.

Well that’s a bit about me for now hope you’ll keep reading and finding love, life and laughter within Beyond Imom, a personal blog about my quest to start blogging and live each day to the fullest.